Brain Pickers!

on-going Genesis 1-11 Hebrew Text research
put together for the
Northwest Science Museum


  1. Brain Pickers: Genesis 1

  2. ‘What Does The Genesis 1 Hebrew Text Look Like?’

  3. Brain Pickers: Genesis 2…

  4. ‘a Post Flood description of a Pre-Flood location'
    ….. & other items of interest!’

    and in case you thought that Genesis 10 was nothing more than just a bunch of names that God decided to mention...

  5. Brain Pickers: Genesis 10 (part 1)

  6. ‘Volcanic Activity & Other Geological Events’
    is a summary of the research for the 1st & 2nd generations born after the Flood.

  7. Brain Pickers: Genesis 10 (part 2)

  8. ‘Headline News’ Geological Events while the 3rd generation was being born!
    guaranteed ‘To Pick Your Brains!’ includes 'Earth Roll', Eber’s name ‘overflow’, & migrations

  9. Brain Pickers: Genesis 10 (part 3)

  10. 'Sons of Eber: Peleg (Divided) & Joktan (Diminished)'

  11. Brain Pickers: Genesis 10, part 4 (Hebrew Text)

  12. ‘ The Research into the Genesis 10 Hebrew Text’
    also known as 'Genesis 10: The Names Tell A Story: Volcanic Activity!'

  13. Brain Pickers: Genesis 10 (part 5): Twins/Multiple Births

  14. 'A list of 12 sets of twins in Genesis 10'